The following Lead (Pb) products are manufactured for the mining industry and are used in the analysis of Gold & Platinum.
Assay Litharge Assay Litharge is a unique type of lead oxide used in the analysis precious metals. It is produced from highly refined lead and offers a very low level of precious metal impurities. It is greenish yellow in colour, the green is due to the free lead which is characteristic of its method of manufacture.
Gold Free Litharge Gold free Litharge is a special type of lead oxide used in the analysis of gold and other precious metals. It is produced from ultra pure refined lead and offers a very low level of gold.
Fluxes Assay (or Mining) Fluxes are specially formulated mixtures of Litharge compounded with fluxing agents such as Soda Ash and Borax, a reducing agent, and a number of other raw materials. They are specifically designed for the analysis of gold, platinum and other precious metals in a wide variety of ores.
Granular Assay and Gold Free Litharge for non-dusting applications.